Sunday, October 19, 2008

my Featherweight treasure

Well, I'm excited! Yesterday my dad gave me my mother's old Singer Sewing Machine. It seems I have just acquired my first Featherweight!

I remember this little machine from when I was a wee little girl and my mother was teaching me to sew on it, very carefully. Somehow it seemed larger then, and I think that I was trying to make clothes for my baby doll, but I don't recall having much success at that young age. Mum sewed clothes for herself, my younger sister and me on that little Singer - dresses and skirts and blouses, mostly, and she did a fine job of it.

Since Mum saved everything, in its sturdy carrying case I found the machine's original Singer Warranty dated "Sep 11 1957", stating that the Machine style is 221-1-270 and the number is AG878454. Also of interest, the "conditional sales contract" for her purchase is there, $124.50 - and describes her installment payments. All her receipts are there, too, but there are only three because, true to form, Mum paid her debt early. There is a letter to thank her for her patronage and informing her that she was entitled to a refund which they were enclosing in a cheque.

I haven't used this machine yet (since many years ago), but I tested it and it runs so quietly! In fact, it seems to contentedly hum in comparison to my larger and heavier portable Kenmore which I bought for myself in 1976, and on which I made clothes for my daughters and myself.

As I said, I am excited about this so I wanted to share. Perhaps someone out there would like to share about their experiences with their own special treasures? I would be very interested.

Thanks for reading .. and Blessings on your day! :)


Unknown said...

My friend collects Featherweights she has 7 of them. Yours is worth around $350. They sell on ebay all the time. The original white or beige colors are worth much more. But being it was your Mother's I would say it's PRICELESS. Enjoy it, I just love them but have never ran across one yet!!

Lynn said...

Patsy, thank you so much for your comment. I have been elated over having this little sewing machine and plan to do a thorough cleaning of it before using. I wholeheartedly agree that it is priceless.
I checked out a couple of your blogs and I am very impressed with the creativity you possess. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom!
It's quite a nice looking sewing machine. If there is such a thing! ; )
Use it well! Feel free to make me a nice new lap quilt!!
Love you & MISS YOU!!! -dd#3
(keep up the good work on the webpage!)

Lynn said...

I appreciate your comments "dd#3" and I love you and miss you, tooooo!!