Wednesday, November 4, 2009

refreshing, relaxing, relationship

Everyone needs refreshing.  I do.  You do.  We all do.

Last weekend my husband and I went away for the weekend, something we cannot remember doing - just the two of us, since ... well, we can't remember!  It was the most quiet and relaxing and private weekend we have ever spent.  Ever.

We rented a fully equipped cottage about three hours away from our home, and set out Friday afternoon, returning home Sunday afternoon.  Why did we do this?  A friend told me about it and insisted we go there, so as it was our anniversary on October 30 - our 33rd! - this seemed the time to do it.  Besides, we needed the time away.

What a pleasant vacation, although short.  Saturday morning we walked along the windy beach collecting seashells and discovering fascinating swirls in the sand.  In the afternoon we did some sight-seeing and shopping in lovely little shops in nearby communities - even did some Christmas shopping!  That evening we enjoyed a special, private dinner in a quaint little dining room of a privately owned cottage inn a few miles away from where we were staying.  Only by reservation can anyone dine there and the meals are uniquely created and served with elegance.  It was Hallowe'en and very amusing how the owners presented themselves to the trick or treaters - and special guests - coming to the door.  One of the ladies and the two men were in costume, one man being used to playing Santa Claus at Christmas.  It was so funny to hear the Grim Reaper forgetting who he was and saying 'ho ho ho' each time children came to the door.  :)

That weekend my husband and I found it was wonderful being alone with uninterrupted time to relax and talk or just be still, enjoying the quiet with no dog barking, no phone ringing, no meetings or errands to handle. It was quality time well-spent and much needed to unwind from daily stresses and pressures.  Would we do it again?  Yes! 

Home again and back to our 'normal' life ... but it does not feel as demanding now.  Perhaps we have learned a little about appreciation of life and each other.  Long overdue.  It is interesting and even surprising how we get to this place of not knowing how to relax, how to communicate well, how to even truly enjoy what is around us .. because of always being busy and distracted.  I think we will make more effort to stay 'connected' in our relationship now as we approach our retirement years.

Today I will load more items onto my website and tonight I will go to my sister's for our housegroup gathering.  But, you know what? -- the Lord is good and greatly to be praised no matter what is going on in one's life.  We must never lose that connection, our most important relationship.

So, where do you go to unwind?  What do you do to stay connected?

Thanks for reading, and  ... Blessings on your day.  :)

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