Sunday, October 18, 2009

it happened ... life IS good

It happened. 
Frost. Five nights ago the first frost of the season settled on our property, making the deck slippery for when I went out for my early morning walk. The chill is in the air. Autumn winds blow. Colourful leaves let go and fall to the ground where they are pushed and tossed carelessly in the breeze.
I don't particularly like the cold, but ... life is good.

It happened.
My first online customer! Four days ago an item was ordered. A sale was made. 
Still a few things need to be tweaked, but it shouldn't take much longer before everything is working as it should. I consider this to be the testing period, the time to learn what needs further adjusting.
I get frustrated over things that I cannot figure out, but ... life is good.

It happened.
I did not get out to Sunday fellowship today. Things did not go as I had hoped.
But, we had dinner with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson before they all go to Alberta on Tuesday ... son-in-law to stay until coming home for Christmas, his wife and son to come back in ten days. They will visit with the two youngest sisters while out there.
I miss my daughters, but ... life is good.

It is all in how we look at life, the attitude we have, that determines for each of us what life is.  I choose to see that ... life is good.

It happened. Again.
Someone on the radio interviewed another someone who says there cannot be an all- powerful and all-loving God.  How sad.  How deceived.  How pathetic. 
He had reasons that fit his small view.
So many people fail to see that it is not about us at all, it is all about HIM. We fall short.
HE is Holy. HE never changes. HE is always Good and Loving.
HE is there for us to seek and to find. We are not left alone but we fail to look into His Face.
HE has a plan and a purpose for our lives.
HE cannot be contained, as much as mankind tries to explain Him and limit Him and make excuses for their own sin and failures, judging God by the same narrow determinations.

Don't give up! Don't despair! Underneath all the rubble, all the facade, all the shame and disappointment .. life IS good

And you ARE loved.

Thanks for reading, and .. Blessings on your day.  :)

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