Wednesday, December 30, 2009

memories - old & new

A flurry of thoughts ...

I hope you enjoyed a very Merry CHRISTMAS and made sweet memories.  Already that busyness is past as fast approaches another new year.  Can you believe 2010 is nearly here?  2 0 1 0 !

Christmas day was not as sad as I had thought it would be.  I guess I used up my teary time before then.  That, or someone was praying for me.  With only the two of us in this house most of the morning it was so quiet around here with the absence of my sniffling.  Our second daughter, with a friend, arrived around 11:00, and later we all went to my Dad's to meet the rest of the family (including our oldest daughter, son-in-law and grandson) for our celebratory feast and gifts.  Another friend had been invited to join us, so we had twelve at dinner.  Just before mealtime our two youngest daughters called from Alberta, so that made it even better.

I really think my mum would be proud of her family.  By the afternoon of December 30, she will have been gone from us for twelve years.  Twelve years!  How can that be possible? :(

On December 31 I hope to be able to attend our New Year's Eve service at church .. weather permitting.  Tonight there is a snowstorm happening in my part of the world, but the weather report does not say there will be more snow coming on Thursday.

Well, the author I met a month ago is a kind, generous soul.  Yesterday she sent me the link to a publisher I did not know about in BC, so this afternoon I sent off my manuscript once again thinking it would be my last attempt this year.  Then today - bless her! - she sent me information about a new publisher here in NS!  I am considering sending the manuscript of another of my stories to them and see what transpires, although I am not sure it will be mailed this week/year.  It is rather fun to finish off 2009 sending out manuscripts, though.  Something started for the new year.

Oh, I must say that when one reads an author's work it may not always be what one expects.  I have read some of Sheree Fitch's children's books and they are fabulous!  Recently her first adult novel was published and it was promoted as being 'laugh out loud funny'.  I was excited to read it so my husband gave it to me for Christmas.  Okay, to be fair here .. have you read it?  What did you think of it?  Me? wellllll .... no offense to Sheree, but somehow I missed the humour!  It just ... I'm just ... hmmm ... I am sure many people reading Kiss The Joy As It Flies will enjoy it but for me the humour was lost somewhere between its pages and my sense of what is funny.  (Sorry, Sheree!)  But ... I guess that is how my brain works.  Now, that is not to say it was not a well written novel.  Of course it was! she is an amazing writer, and I did read the whole book, even her interview at the end.  It's just that its point was lost on me throughout, BUT .. did I say .. I love Sheree's children's books!  I guess that is where my heart is ... for now.

In closing, I will leave you with some questions that I would love to read your answers for if you would kindly oblige me.  Thinking back over your childhood reading:
  1. what was/were your favourite children's book(s), and why? .. and/or ..
  2. who was/were your favourite author(s), and why?
BE SAFE this Winter!
Thanks for reading, and ... Blessings on your day!  :)


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on Sheree's novel, while I enjoyed it I didn't see the humour, neither did my daughter. I attended Sheree's reading at the Inside Story in Greenwood when the book came out and she was delightful..She's a super friendly person and so interested in others. When she reads she does make the words sound humourous.

As for the question about my fav. childhood book, growing up books were sort of a scarcity in our house but once I discovered the library at school I brought home numerous Bobbsey Twin books, Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and Mum would read to my brother and I each night. I do recall a book of bedtime stories, however, that were most magical for me. There was a short story for each day of the year. I still have what is left of that book!

Lynn said...

Thank you, Laura, for helping me realize I am not the only one! :) Years ago when Sheree was fairly new in the public view, I 'almost' met her. She was reading at a conference I took one of our children to because I wanted her to meet Budge Wilson. Budge signed my daughter's copy of one of her books as its main character has our daughter's name. She still is very impressed with Budge. :)

About our childhood books - I believe they are to be cherished, the ones that meant the most to us, as I think they influence how we see life and learn to deal with it. I also read a few of those titles you mentioned. One book I loved was Paddy the Beaver by Thorton W. Burgess. I don't know how many times I read it and also Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. But later it was The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis that became the most 'magical' for me. Several years ago I bought the whole set of Narnia books and read them to our youngest daughter.